
Welcome to our Programme

(Last updated: 12-Oct–2024)

Here is the programme for 2024/2025, which will be updated during the season:

15-Oct-2024: “How I process my wildlife images.” - Kevin Pigney
22-Oct-2024: Internal Competition 2 - Open, Judge: Malcolm Hupman
(DPI (entries and of prints) to Projectionist by 13-Oct-2024, prints handed in 15-Oct-2024)
24-Oct-2024 Studio Group, Venue: St Neots Bowl Club (@arabella.amos) 19:30 to 20:00.
29-Oct-2024: “Monochrome Conversion” - Jonathan Vaines
05-Nov-2024: “A Taste of Africa” - Bob Brind-Surch


12-Nov-2024: Annual Competition Feedback from Judge - Chris Forster
19-Nov-2024: Internal Competition 3 - Open, Judge: Ken Payne
(DPI (entries and of prints) to Projectionist by 10-Nov-2024, prints handed in 12-Nov-2024)
21-Nov-2024 Studio Group Venue TBC (@angelheartdark)
26-Nov-2024: “Concert Photography” - Peter Neill
03-Dec-2024: Four Way Competition between St Neots, Ely, Swavsey and St Ives. Judge: Naomi Saul ARPS ASINWP DPAGB EFIAP APAGB BPE4
05-Dec-2024 Studio Group Venue TBC (@samdunningactor)
10-Dec-2024: Internal Competition 4 - Set Subject "3", Judge: Penny Reeves
(DPI (entries and of prints) to Projectionist by 01-Dec-2024, prints handed in 03-Dec-2024)
17-Dec-2024: 5 Panel Comp, judged by members + Raffle - Social Evening.

24-Dec-2024: Christmas Break
31-Dec-2024: New Year Break

07-Jan-2025: “An Antipodean Adventure Via Asia” - Alice Hunter
09-Jan-2025 Studio Group Venue, etc TBC
14-Jan-2025: Internal Competition 5 - Open, Judge: Naomi Saul ARPS ASINWP DPAGB EFIAP APAGB BPE4
(DPI (entries and of prints) to Projectionist by 05-Jan-2025, prints handed in 07-Jan-2025)
16-Jan-2025: EXTRA MEETING via Zoom: “Tips and Tools for Waterscape Photography” - Jonathan Genevaux
21-Jan-2025: Details to be confirmed
28-Jan-2025: Details to be confirmed
04-Feb-2025: Internal Competition 6 - Set Subject "Creative". Judge: Ben Pike
(DPI (entries and of prints) to Projectionist by 26-Jan-2025, prints handed in 28-Jan-2025)
11-Feb-2025: “Into the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods” - George Robertson - This is a Zoom meeting
18-Feb-2025: “Macro & Close Up Photography” - Steve Williams
20-Feb-2025 Studio Group Venue, etc TBC
25-Feb-2025: Member Evening - Details to be confirmed
04-Mar-2025: Twinning Competition with St Neots v Launceston - Judge:Janet Davies ARPS - This is a Zoom meeting
11-Mar-2025: PORTFOLIO - 3 PANEL COMPETITION - Judge: Jonanthan Vaines AFIAP CPAGB LRPS
13-Mar-2025 Studio Group Venue, etc TBC
18-Mar-2025: Member Evening - Pair & Share
25-Mar-2025: Friendly competition with Swavesey Camera Club - This is a Zoom meeting
01-Apr-2025: “Street Photography” - Ben Pike
08-Apr-2025: Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Please note: Juniors under the age of 16yrs must be supervised or accompanied at all times by a responsible adult. See our Club Rules/Policies page for further details.

Previous Meetings:
10-Sep-2024: First Night of the season - Open Evening with a Presentation by the Club's President and a Slideshow of the Programme for 2024/25
17-Sep-2024: Member Evening - Presentations on "Setting White Balance on your Camera" and "People Photography"
24-Sep-2024: "Aviation Photography" - Mick Mansfield
01-Oct-2024: Internal Competition 1 - Open, Judge: Alan Taberer
08-Oct-2024: "The best camera is the one you have with you - your phone!" - Tom Peck